Networks - Introduction

  • A Python package NetworkX is used for studying undirected and directed graphs.
  • A function savefig is used to save a graph to a file.
  • network matrix or adjacency matrix is a generic way to create graphs as two dimensional array.
  • In NetworkX, directed graphs are handled using the class DiGraph.
  • Bipartite graphs are made up of two groups of nodes which connect to nodes in the other group, but not with other nodes in the same group.

Networks - Quantification

  • The function randint creates matrices with randomly assigned integers which are represented as edges.
  • NetworkX can produce interesting graphs like: Petersen, lobster and caterpillar graphs.
  • In a symmetric matrix, the in degree and the out degree arrays are identical.
  • Large networks can be quantified using e.g. the degree distribution.
  • Some of the key graph properties include the clustering coefficient, path length, and centrality.

Networks - Applications

  • .csv is a common file format when importing network data.
  • JSON is another widely used standard file format which is language independent.
  • FileNotFoundError, KeyError and Graph is not bipartite are the most common file import errors.